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Integrating analytics with your LIS platform

We interact with labs across many different sectors — the chemical industry, pharma and biopharmaceuticals, petrochemical refineries, the food & beverage industry, biobanking, and many more.

What’s the one thing they all have in common, despite industry differences?

Data. And lots of it

Today, most industries are swimming in data — yet it is often seen more like a burden requiring storage and protection than a resource to tap for better decision-making. While it might seem pointless on a superficial level, most organizations have enormous pools of disregarded information that could give noteworthy experiences to assist with accomplishing execution objectives.

As a LIS company, our interaction with these companies tends to focus on sample testing. This typically involves the infrastructure needed to manage the related instrumentation, workflows, samples, supplies, and data. The information matters, on the grounds that essentially every lab we work with has key execution markers (KPIs), identified with test testing. With examination, these KPIs can be utilized to assist with working on functional proficiency and decrease the costs labs experience.

Analytics is Your Company’s Future – Like it Or Not

That headline may sound like a threatening line from a bad science fiction movie, but it has already proven itself true. The capacity of your research facility to successfully use lab information investigation will turn out to be progressively significant with time.

Why? Since labs that ace their information will be bound to flourish and prevail three:

1.         Analytics support the development lifecycle. Experiences are driven by inner lab information, authenticated with outside information, enhance the R&D cycle.

2.         Lab information investigation assists you with guaranteeing item guidelines by working on the quality anticipating of both completed merchandise and mediator items.

3.         Insights got from examination work on the adequacy of lab networks by empowering better utilization of human resources (HC) and different assets.

Staying up with Innovation

The present research centers are high-throughput conditions, particularly in the petrochemical and drug areas, and current lab gear catches more information than any other time in recent memory. As both the speed and the measure of information increment, investigation apparatuses are as of now not an extravagance. They’re quickly becoming fundamental for productive activity.

Hearty examination instruments assist experts with producing itemized experiences on caught research facility information. They likewise empower labs to further develop endeavor-wide correspondences, arrive at basic choices quicker, and produce ideal, exact reports on finished results.

Moreover, lab information investigation can assist your venture with guaranteeing item quality norms, advance the effectiveness and throughput of its ceaseless cycles, keep the interaction boundaries inside administrative item and security principles — all while controlling your cycles with thorough testing and continuous observing.

A Simple Analytic Solution for Your LIS

LIS365 Analytics makes it simple to flawlessly fuse incredible examination devices into a LIMS climate. LIS investigation is a self-administration, start to finish examination stage with both man-made reasoning (AI) and business insight (BI) highlights.

The stage empowers you to assume full responsibility for your information by consolidating information ingestion, pre-handling, stockpiling, investigation, and representation into a solitary application. You’ll have the ability to saddle your LIS information by utilizing business insight and progressed investigation.

Best of all, the entire package integrates seamlessly with LIS365, enabling it to operate with a “single application” feel throughout your enterprise. End users will have the ability to use various analysis tools inside analytics on LIS data based on LIS access control.

LIS365 analytics will be pre-installed with a variety of impactful dashboards and reports on LIS data, enabling quick benefit realization of your investment. Examples of the pre-built dashboards include:

•           Number of off-specs per specification number per tank

•           Staff required for testing given amount of samples

•           Number of off specs analysis (employee-specific, instrument-specific)

•           Sample result delay per shift (time shift based

•           Number of times the result has changed based on employee (specific) or particular test (specific)

•           Average request turnaround time

•           Median request turnaround time

•           Percentage request on-time delivery

•           Pending requests overdue

•           Average requests until due

•           And many more

These dashboards will enable your technicians to improve the operational efficiency of your laboratory, monitor testing quality more closely, and reduce the cost of running tests.

Put Your Data to Work for You

LIS365 Analytics will enable you to take your LIS data to a powerful new level, generating actionable insights even from massive volumes of data. By shining the spotlight on factors that matter most to your business, these tools will help boost the efficacy of your lab’s KPI reporting. You’ll also gain efficient tools for increasing the productivity of lab analysts. In addition, data-driven monitoring will help keep your lab functioning efficiently, while pinpointing the key information you need to make more informed and profitable decisions.